Everyone has a story to tell

One step at a time…

– Chantale Roy
I do not like storms. I do not like arguing. I do not like conflict. I do not like war. I do not like violence. I do not like diseases.

I like calm. I like harmony. I love peace. I Love health.

And I like myself that way. When it rocks, I retreat into silence. And I like it that way.

I have long been at the front, but not now. My place is within me; I am there most of the time, unless I am distracted… (I’ll re-read that one)

Since the birth of my children, I always wanted to avoid them pain, physically and emotionally. I do not like pain. When I was a young activist, I wanted to avoid any stress to the people who make our consumer goods by boycotting any unfair imports. I do not like injustice and abuse. I refused to buy what is not organic. I do not like pollution and the destruction of the planet. I am still aware to make more sustainable choices. I can improve. I love life.

I also made questionable choices.

In my relationships, I have always sought understanding. I always referred absolute respect for the choice of the other, sometimes at the expense of mine. I love peace. I bought some too.

I also made questionable choices.

In my diet, I prefer the vegetal realm. I do not like to kill animals for food, clothes, furniture and so on. I like to eat raw food. I focus on holistic and long-term health. I do not like to eat foods that do not like me in return, harming me. I like what or who I can count on. I like to be healthy, because then I’m free …

I wake up in the morning with a sparkling motivation to choose only what emits positive energy; this is my home, no matter where I am.

I invite you to watch CBC Genevieve Milord’s report if you want to know more about my path of life and my home. The raw food diet for me was a major tool for trimming my life journey in the most optimal way.

Looking forward to know about your story…

Click here to watch: Raw food at the university (in French)

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